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May 9, 2014

  • English
  1. Pakistan is a blogger and a ghost in the ghost returned, 
  2. people are taking benefits from this blogger some people
  3.  have taken their fumigation youtube in making websites
  4.  like Google who this ghost is good and who lty site itself  
  5. he earns a ghost adsense your website from Google is to  
  6. approve and crushed it ghost earn hai is good for Pakistan..
  • urdu
بلاگر پاکستان میں بھوت زائدہ استعمال ہوتا ہے اور بھوت لوگ فایدہ اٹھا رہے ہے اس بلاگر سے کچھ لوگ تو اپنی دومنے لی کر اس میں ہی یوتوبے کی طرح ویب سائٹ  بنا رہے ہے یہ بھوت اچھی بات ہے  اور جو گوگل والو سے خود ویب سائٹ لٹے ہے وہ بھوت کماتے ہے اور اپنی ویب سائٹ کو گوگل ادسنسے سے اپپرووے کرواتے ہے اور پسے کماتے  یہ بھی بھوت اچھی بات ہے پاکستان کے لئے  

  • Who to use blogger 
English  Take a ghost blogger is easy to use if you can not find your website from another website toturial youtube it can see happiness and a template that you get from the date of written your Google Pay and Blogger template, he has to be copied and your blogger template curry and click Open and then click Upload backup pay the good thing is it is like a ghost..


  •  Urdu
بلاگر لو استعمال کرنا بھوت آسان ہے اگر اپ کو ویب سائٹ بنانی نہیں اتی تو اپ یوتوبے یہ کسی اور ویب سائٹ سے ٹوٹوریل دیکھ کر سکھ  سکتے ہے اور ایک بات اس کی ٹیمپلیٹ اپ کو خی سے بھی مل جائے گئی اپ گوگل پے جائے اور لکھے بلاگر ٹیمپلیٹ وہ ا جائے گئی اپ کاپی کرو اور اپنا بلاگر اوپن کری اور ٹیمپلیٹ میں کلک کری اور پھر بیک اپ پے کلک کر کے اپلوڈ کر دی یہ بھوت ایسے ہے اور اچھا کام بھی ہے    
  • Improtant Rule
You can not ask anything about the blogger you can ask me and that comment may Thank you..
Posted by Unknown on 6:46 PM in , , ,    No comments »
You can also use the Facebook wnly I made ​​this  
curry is made ​​it seems mad your password or your
 account has disable can also delete apps when it 
 turned out that none of the i do not get the post and 
 could not open my account to register your support 
 is if you use Facebook apps...

  • Fcebook Why share my password apps through
People use Facebook to call the ghost do well, but they do not know it can do no disable my account thinking it is going to do apps when it is to do tab disable account for Facebook is not a mistake, but it is the fault of your local apps that use your account for you to use apps that are disable officail use..
  • New  security Of facebook 
Call today Facebook valves a new use ways out is but the follow makes you returned Friends Facebook payrolls number will gae the Facebook photos verification sought would be putting it's not right I
  • Inpotant Rule
If you need any time you can contact me and I can 
comment each time you do you will Thank you...
Posted by Unknown on 5:51 AM in    No comments »

May 8, 2014

  • Comment colour

Facebook comment woo the color 
Change your truck, but the truck like 
 a ghost wnly mobile payment functions
 and it is working well, I check Facebook a
 review on this truck this truck is complete now
but in 2006, eBay people still do it this Trick.

  • How to use
Open your facebook and go for any status and paste this code Change  fg USe your own comment 
And enjoy..

<+fg=b0ffd700> golden
<+fg=b0000000> black
<+fg=b0ff7f00> orange
<+fg=b0ffff00> yellow
<+fg=b0ff00ff> light pink
<+fg=b0ff007f> dark pink
<+fg=b0ff0000> redish pink
<+fg=b0800000> brown
<+fg=b0ffc0cb> light purple
<+fg=b06f00ff> dark blue
<+fg=b0c0c0c0> grey
<+fg=80ffffff> sky blue
<+fg=b000ffff> light blue
<+fg=b0bf00ff> purple
<+fg=b08f00ff> dark purple
<+fg=b0808000> mehandi

  • Important Rule
if you have any problem comment me i solve your Problem Today..  

Posted by Unknown on 10:39 PM in    No comments »

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